Reduce your ecological footprint now with just one click
Earn money with CO2 certificates on the stock exchange and actively do something for the environment..
We don't just promise, we deliver!
Our vision is to promote sustainably operating companies. By obtaining these
"green" CO2 certificates, we leave a climate-positive footprint.
Our kiri tree plantations in the Osnabrück area, Germany
Plantings together with our regional partner have begun:
Relieve the environment through commitment and blockchain technology
The Co2Coin is a climate-positive cryptocurrency that sets innovative standards by depositing CO2 certificates.
In the fight against climate change, technology and environmental projects go hand in hand.
We don't just make promises, we act!
Our vision is to promote sustainable companies. By obtaining „green“ CO2 certificates are leaving a climate positive footprint.
Co2Coin - A quick explanation
What is Co2Coin?
The Co2Coin is a climate positive cryptocurrency. The Co2 Coin (CCC) will be traded on the exchange from September 2023.
The Co2Coin is not obtained through energy-intensive mining.
Buy the Co2Coin
Find new ways to use your money. Invest in our CO2-compensating Co2Coin.
Do you want to spend more than €10,000?
No problem, we are happy to help you personally.
With the purchase of the Co2Coin you make a sustainable investment in climate protection. Get started today!
The Co2 Coin (CCC) will be traded on the exchange from September 2023.
The Co2Coin - What makes it precious? WeGrowTogehter
Co2Coin is a digital currency and is traded on established crypto exchanges.
What makes it "green":
What makes the Co2Coin valuable?
The Co2Coin offers a high value due to the stored CO2 certificates.
Da der Co2Coin nur in einer unwiderruftlich begrenzten Anzahl verfügbar ist, besteht keine Gefahr des "Verwässerns" der bereits bestehenden Co2Coins.
Clima4Future combines modern technology with sustainable climate protection and investment.
Deposit of CO2 certificates
CO2 certificates are emission entitlements that have been issued to registered industries or companies by the Federal Environment Agency since 2005. They stand for a permitted amount of CO2 emissions. If more CO2 is emitted than permitted, the additional emissions must be paid for or CO2 certificates from other companies must be purchased as compensation.
Conventional digital currencies usually have no real, tangible value.
Your purchase of Co2Coin is secured by CO2 certificates from our sponsored partners. Government plans to use emissions trading to encourage CO2-negative industries to rethink are well on the way. The forecasts for the price development of CO2 certificates are going up sharply.
The current market price per ton of CO2 is 75 euros. By 2025, the certificates are estimated to cost well over 150 euros. The fact that the price of the certificates issued by governments is also continuously increasing and decreasing at the same time further fuels the price development here.
Even the prices of conservatively issued CO2 certificates from governments will be determined by auctions from 2026. The price corridor here is between 55 and 65 euros per tonne of CO2.
You are welcome to watch the YouTube video from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Urban Complexity Lab of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP):
What is a cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that was not created by a central authority, e.g., a central bank, but using a mathematical algorithm. The first digital cryptocurrency introduced in 2009 was Bitcoin, which is now considered to be the reserve currency among cryptocurrencies.
The basic technical prerequisite for the creation of cryptocurrencies was the development of blockchain technology by Satoshi Nakamoto. This is where a mathematical algorithm generates computing units that are passed directly between two parties (peer-to-peer) from computer to computer. The transfer is published as a transaction in a network in chronological order in blocks and confirmed by the network. Double payments are not possible, as the transaction can only be carried out by confirming its validity. Once a payment has been made it is non-reversible.
This network structure is called a blockchain. The payment transactions are stored within the blockchain architecture in a seamless and forgery-proof manner that can be viewed by everyone on the participating network.
What good can I do with Co2Coin?
With your purchase, you directly support all projects that Clima4Future promotes and actively bind CO2. This is secured by CO2 certificates that Clima4Future receives through the funding. Our partners have been active for more than 40 years and produce locally. They build regional sustainable value-added cycles and are grateful for your help. The more people join us, the better for our future.
Would you like to leave a positive footprint for future generations? Perfect, so are we! Together with our cooperation partners, we give you the chance to do your part so that what we do today has a positive impact on the future.
Digital currencies are a growing future market, but technical sustainability is not yet a really important issue in this industry.
With your purchase of the Co2Coin you support the spread of sustainability in the digital space and at the same time ensure that sustainable financial products become more visible.
Energy-efficient Digital Currency
Classic cryptocurrencies depend on a shortage in the market so that they can hold an individual value. Providers achieve this through more difficult algorithms for "mining" or through a time-reduced release to the market.
Clearly, these are very energy consuming or unreliable mechanisms for buyers and investors.
The Co2Coin was created with the vision of mitigating these practices and creating a cryptocurrency that is intrinsically valuable and does not consume any unnecessary energy.
Sustainable shopping
We are working on a marketplace for selected products from sustainable and climate-friendly production for our community.
The Co2Coin will be traded on the Vindax stock market from mid-September 2023.
Contact us, we will be happy to advise you:
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Supporting sustainable businesses
Clima4Future supports companies and initiatives around the world that are striving for or have already achieved carbon neutrality, such as the WeGrowWood initiative in India.
WeGrowWood creates a sustainable livelihood for the Indian people and actively contributes to climate protection - by planting Kiri trees in a climatically perfect environment.
In the process, Clima4Future generates carbon credits and adds value to the wood, as India has to import around 80% of its wood requirements.
Added value through carbon credits and wood
By participating in the WeGrowWood initiative and planting the world's fastest growing tree, the campaign not only generates carbon credits and protects the global climate, but also creates high value in Kiri wood. The "aluminum" of the wood is produced when the Kiri tree has reached its full size, for which the new planting of more Kiri trees must be felled beforehand.
The coveted Kiri wood is very hard and at the same time light and is used internationally for boat building, the construction of musical instruments, caravan construction and so on.
In addition, the price of Kiri wood has risen faster than the MSCI stock index and the price o
Active climate protection - including new technologies
While the rich industrialized countries can compensate those affected for crop failures and damage, this is not the case for poorer countries. Here, the population suffers: food shortages due to drought, loss of homes and farms due to flooding.
It is the declared goal of the initiators of the Co2Coin project to actively protect the climate and to use climate activities to gain access to new developments and technologies.
The Corona crisis has further strengthened the idea of using digital currencies for climate protection.
Climate change can no longer be denied
Climate change can no longer be denied Since 2010, the Earth's temperature has been rising faster than ever before in human history.
Against the backdrop of current developments, Clima4Future was founded and the vision of the Co2Coin project was realized. The founders, who own land and forests, know the threat to nature from their own experience.
Climate change can no longer be denied. Records clearly show a global increase in temperature. The resulting increase in weather phenomena is also affecting more temperate climates. More frequent storms are destroying forests and crops, with far-reaching consequences.
The climate positive Co2Coin
In the fight against climate change, technology and environmental projects go hand in hand. The Co2Coin is a climate-positive cryptocurrency that sets innovative standards by depositing CO2 certificates.
Our vision is to support sustainably operating companies and projects. By optaining "green" CO2 certificates we want to leave a climate positive footprint.